Your Placenta

Your Placenta Placentas are a disposable organ that your body produces with the intention of discarding at the end of your pregnancy.  Each new pregnancy brings a new placenta that will feed your baby in the 40 weeks to come.  After 40 weeks, the function of the...

Recuperation After Home Birth

The Importance of Rest and Recuperation After Home Birth Following the birth of your baby, you will feel a surge of energy.  This is largely due to your hormones.  One of the best things about a home birth is how great mothers feel after the birth, but this does not...

Breastfeeding Benefits

Breastfeeding While infant feeding trends have varied depending on cultural contexts throughout time, it has repeatedly been proven that breastfeeding provides numerous benefits to both mother and infant.  Benefits of breast milk for the infant include anti-microbial...

Historical Trends in Home Birth

Up to the early twentieth century most women gave birth at home assisted by a midwife (usually female) or a family physician (usually male), but by 1920 less than 15% of births in the United States were attended by midwives (Borst, 1995).  In 1940 the percentage of...

What To Expect During Birth When Using a Houston Midwife

What To Expect During Birth When Using a Houston Midwife Using a Houston Midwife can easily enhance your birthing experience. Midwives have long been the choice for child birthing because of the personalized relationship that is developed between the mother  and the...