Historical Trends in Home Birth

Up to the early twentieth century most women gave birth at home assisted by a midwife (usually female) or a family physician (usually male), but by 1920 less than 15% of births in the United States were attended by midwives (Borst, 1995).  In 1940 the percentage of...

What To Expect During Birth When Using a Houston Midwife

What To Expect During Birth When Using a Houston Midwife Using a Houston Midwife can easily enhance your birthing experience. Midwives have long been the choice for child birthing because of the personalized relationship that is developed between the mother  and the...

Complications – Hospital vs. Home Birth

Having a baby can seem scary especially for first time moms. We must remember that birth is a natural process. We largely complicate the process by thinking of it as a medical procedure instead of something that happens naturally. A Houston midwife can help you see...

Post Partum With Your Houston Midwife

Post-Partum: What to Expect After Your Birth When Using a Midwife If you have decided to use a midwife for your birth, you can expect your Houston midwife to help you in a variety of ways. Guidance In the hours following your birth, you can expect to receive guidance...

Prenatal Care From a Midwife

Prenatal Care From A Midwife Your prenatal care is the first step towards a healthier baby.  Every parent strives for a healthy baby.  The best way to start is by receiving your prenatal care. Prenatal Care If you choose a Houston Midwife such as Nanci Stanley, you...

Elaine Suzette’s Birth Story

Elaine Suzette’s Birth Story – Our Fifth Child, Our First Born at Home I would call it a ‘simple’ birth.  All of our other children were born in a hospital.  We knew no different.  We were actually headed down that path again when I, assuming this would probably...